Thursday 8 May 2014

My Personal Halloween Party Project

Before Groups were decided upon and we would be doing this project as a group, we were to do our own storyboards, development and characters to pitch to everyone first.

Storyboard Thumbnails

Our first task after reading the script we were given was to go and make as many thumbnail sketches of our storyboard ideas as possible that would be changed many times and developed before creating a final storyboard. My main ideas were to have the girl be very imaginative and would make a very poor job of dressing herself up, but in her eyes she would look like the real Dracula and be able to change into a bat and fly to school. I originally wanted her to be quite a strong character that wouldn't be too put down after she finds out the party is next week and instead imagine that she is dracula scaring her classmates with bats.
These were the many pages of thumbnails I came up with.





These were changed countless times, whilst trying to keep my favourite parts of the board in the final cut. They had to be changed because I really didn't have much of an idea how storyboards should really be and it took a long time to get used to and get right, but I did eventually come up with a final one I was happy with.

Floor Plans

There was a lot of things that I had to take into account for doing a storyboard that did surprise me like having to completely work out the house the characters would use, the environment and just where each room is how you get to each room that appears in the board. These were the plans that I worked out for the board.

This was the house that I decided on after a lot of research into american style houses, what would work for the characters, I didn't want the house to be huge.

This was the first bedroom design I tried for the main girl character. However after a lot of talk with my lecturers we decided that this wouldn't work and I started to research more for another one.

This was the final Bedroom plan I did for the main female character, I thought this one fit the character much better.

This was the plan drawing for the parents bedroom that I decided to use.

this was the proper layout I worked out for the rooms to be in the house. Which also are true to my final   storyboard.

Character Designs

These are all the thumbnail sketches I went through when deciding on a character design for my board. I wanted her to look like she fitted my description of how I see her personality being, imaginative, a bit of a tom boy, fiery, energetic and a prankster.

I decided on the one I really liked I thought was nice and simple and fitted my description well enough. I took this and did a turn around for her that i'm happy with.

My Final Storyboard

This is my final storyboard that I edited several times and changed until now where i'm finally happy with it.

Halloween Party Group Project

For our group project we were given Paige as our group leader and to use her storyboard to create a group animatic, we were each given our own task to do by ourselves which would save time and give everyone an equal amount to do. I was put in charge of character designing, and it would be my responsibility to create lots of potential character designs that would fit our overall chosen theme and colour scheme and board. I would then have to do a solid turn around for the character.

Mood Boards

These were the researched mood boards and artist research the group decided upon and created together. We decided that we all agreed on a very cartoony bold and very stylised visual look for the animation. We especially leaned toward the 'Fosters home for imaginary friends' and 'powerpuff girls' styles and ultimately decided we would go for the powerpuff girls style.

Character Design

I was in charge of character design so all of the following drawings and thumbnails were just by me.
I decided it would be fair to try get character ideas based on what the other group members had tried for their own boards, and so each of these thumbnail sketches are based on everyones ideas.

After having a big talk with the group, although we liked a lot of these, we thought it would be easier on everyone if we tried the more simple non detailed options. Which Is when we decided to take this one forward, and I created character turn arounds for them.

A lot of the group were really happy with this but the others decided the character was a bit too small or young looking in this one to work with the board. This is where I decided to come up with another character design completely, and took the one below forward instead.

The group was very happy with this one and I decided to work more into it and come up with a better idea of how he would look, and how we would all draw him.

This was the main colour scheme i decided on for him, For this i took a lot of reference from average american children and this look seemed to be the most relatable look that i took from my research.

I then did another turn around to help the rest of the group that were given the scenes in which he has cut his hair and become more like Dracula.

I then created this 'faces' sheet for everyone to use as reference, because some of the group felt more confident with drawing than the others, and so i did this face sheet to show the more difficult face angles that might help.

My Animatic Scene

After all the preparation for the animatic was finished including final timed versions of Paige's Storyboard, layouts, backgrounds and props, we were all given a certain section of the board to draw up and animate the poses properly for the animatic. This made it fair for everyone so that everyone gets equal credit for their part in this project. This is the scene from the animatic I was given to do. I used photoshop mostly but also flipbook and a bit of after effects to make sure everything was timed correctly before being handed to Ryan for final editing and to be put with all the rest of the scenes.

Final Group Animatic

This is Our groups final edited animatic put with the audio. One of our group's member's didn't supply their part not allowing us much time to do it ourselves and so it's missing a section.