Tuesday 14 January 2014

Picking up a heavy object challenge

For this challenge, we were given a reference to then go and create an animation with in-betweens of a character walking up to a heavy object and picking it up. We were also asked to do this with 'The Snowman' as our character. This meant getting the characters proportions right on each frame.

This was my first attempt at the challenge in which I spent a long time figuring out how the keyframes should look and drawing them all out. Doing it this way makes it a lot easier to do the in-betweens later on. I was very pleased with how this looked, and I think I did a good job of keeping it true to the original character design.

This is the final version with all of the in-betweens done too. On average there is 2-3 in-betweens within each keyframe, and i found this worked best with the timing at the end. I am very pleased with the end result, I feel like I have improved my in-betweening technique as I went on, and it has a better result than when I did the tough ted challenge. This took a long time to get right and was very difficult but overall I am pleased with it.

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