Tuesday 14 January 2014

Tough Ted

This was a challenge we were given, to do the 'in-betweening' of three animation frames given to us. this involved doing 2 in-betweens with the 3 frames. This was very challenging for me, because it involved working out a lot of movements, whilst keeping the character's proportions the same. I think I did pretty well for this being something I had just learned about. I also feel I learned a lot from doing this, and was taught little techniques that have come in handy a lot since. I think the last frame i did was a bit wrong because of how the arm moves out to point, and i will need to change this.

This was my last attempt, in which I changed a frame I had done wrong originally, and also added another frame which makes it flow better and more smoothly. Having been my second attempt i did a lot better with how I did the frames, that I learned the first time around, and i'm very happy with how it looks.

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